Ms. James and Cheryl Wills went in on President Trump and his his reign of tyranny:

Cheryl Wills: I want to talk a little bit more about you as a Brooklynite, but first let’s talk about what’s obvious. President Trump was impeached a few days ago, this as your office has three lawsuits against him. What do you make of that impeachment in light of what you’re fighting against.

AG James: We find ourselves in the midst of chaos and confusion. Attorneys general all across this country are standing between tyranny and anarchy and we have been using the law and the courts to enforce the rule of law. Right now Attorneys general are our best defense. Congress as we know is paralyzed. It’s critically important that we administer justice. Attorneys general have been in court representing the interests of immigrants, standing up for marginalized and vulnerable populations, standing up for women’s rights to choose, protecting our environment, protecting consumer rights, protecting labor rights …

We’re winning. We’ve been in court and we’re winning … we are representing the interests of the sovereign state of New York, representing the interests of New Yorkers an defending their rights and their liberties.

In my opinion, Ms. James is doing a great job as attorney general. She always starts with the rule of law. It’s just unusual in this climate to find policymakers willing to stand up for those who can’t defend themselves. After a decade of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, congress, et al., standing up for starving billionaires, Ms. James is a breath of fresh air. Trump simply wants to maintain the status quo and “get while the getting’s good.”

It’s cute that she tried to clap back at Mitchell and Trump And The GE, but is she too late? It’s hard to stand between tyranny and anarchy when anarchy is upon us. You can watch the goings on in Haiti, Hong Kong, South Africa, Cameroon, Bolivia, etc. They too are fighting against tyranny and anarchy. It’s only a matter of time before it reaches the U.S. Obama and the Fed ran amok for a decade. Now we have the opioid crisis, runaway costs of housing and student loans, while Obama’s donor swim in trillions of bailout money and  quantitative easing. The only thing left is anarchy.

Two questions remain. How can Ms. James stand between tyranny and anarchy if anarchy is already here? Secondly, Who know she watch Trump And The GE religiously?


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