Trump And The GE Parses The Student Crisis Thursday August February 15th at 7PM at 520 Spaces, 520 Eighth Avenue, 3rd Floor (between 36th and 37th Streets),
New York, NY 10018. Trump And The (“Trump And The GE”) is arguably the top speaker series in the country. It also fast-becoming a hit in the NYC. We bring together professionals and local entrepreneurs to discuss President Trump’s policies and how they impact the local and global economy. The town hall brings the public real information on what’s going on with the economy and how it impacts them.
Trump And The GE will feature the Brooklyn land baron, Christopher Townley, Torian Mitchell (COO of AYCE Network) and Ralph Baker (author of “Shock Exchange”). There will be lots to discuss about the economy, the student debt crisis, inverted yield curve, trade war, etc. The public appears to be caught unawares about the pending recession. We have been discussing it for two years now. Trump And The GE continues to put you all up on game. We will see you Thursday.