Trump And The Global Economy is shaping up to be magical event. The streets from Brooklyn to Harlem has been abuzz. We have spawned copycats that smack of “resisting Trump” or “giving a quarterly state of the union address,” but this event is special. We bring real professionals from the front lines to inform the public on President Trump’s policies, and how they impact the community.

We also have Chad L. Coleman of HBO’s The Wire and AMC’s The Walking Dead. Coleman, Ralphie, Daniel and Shock Exchange were in Brooklyn last week for a photo shoot and to produce the official video for the event. The session was surreal, to say the least. In what world could Ralphie and Daniel talk shop with one of the industry’s top actors?

It was all fun and games until the cameras started rolling and we had to enter the cypher with Coleman who had this to say:

Ralph is all about empowerment. In order to empower people you’ve got to give them information … The same thing he did with these kids [New York Shock Exchange] and this book is happening on a larger scale. What we want to do is empower our community and move forward in a way that can affect great change.

That’s why I’m here. I was blown away by this [Shock Exchange: How Inner-City Kids From Brooklyn Predicted the Great Recession and the Pain Ahead]. We always get celebrated as celebrities … but this is a real soldier right here. I’m just shoulder to shoulder with this real soldier. And I want you guys to come on out and get fed …. get fed in a way that you’re inspired to make change in this community, in the city, in the state and in this country.

More details of the event are below:



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